O Launcher with many useful features.
With O Launcher users can have the latest Android™ Oreo(Android™ 8.1) launcher features.
O Launcher features:
1. Launcher features:
- Swipe up to access all apps
- Vertical drawer with recent apps.
- A-Z fast scroll bar.
- Android™ Oreo style animation; round icon support like Pixel style.
2. Support many themes, icon packs, and wallpapers
3. Hide apps and lock apps
4. Gestures support
5. Double tap to lock the phone
6. Quick action popup menu when long press icon in launcher desktop
7. Support lock desktop
8. Search apps or web right away from the launcher
9. Various search style: pixel launcher style, native style, enhanced style
10. Build-in circle/round icon pack
11. Many options to make launcher as you like, such as:
- Grid size, icon size selection
- Show/hide search bar, dock, status bar
- Ability to edit icon and icon name individually
- Fixed/float wallpaper
This app uses the Device Administrator permission
force-lock is used to screen off the device when double tap on the home screen.
- Android is a registered trademark of Google, Inc.
- Oreo is a registered trademark of Nabisco, Inc.
Pelancar O dengan banyak ciri berguna.
Dengan pengguna Pelancar O boleh memiliki ciri pelancar Android ™ Oreo (Android ™ 8.1) terkini.
Ciri Pelancar O:
1. Ciri pelancar:
- Leret ke atas untuk mengakses semua aplikasi
- Laci menegak dengan aplikasi baru-baru ini.
- Bar tatal cepat A-Z.
- Animasi animasi Android ™ Oreo; sokongan ikon bulat seperti gaya Pixel.
2. Menyokong banyak tema, pek ikon, dan wallpaper
3. Sembunyikan aplikasi dan apl kunci
4. Sokongan gerak isyarat
5. Ketik dua kali untuk mengunci telefon
6. Menu popup aksi pantas apabila ikon tekan lama di desktop pelancar
7. Menyokong desktop kunci
8. Cari aplikasi atau web terus dari pelancar
9. Pelbagai gaya carian: gaya pelancar pixel, gaya asli, gaya yang dipertingkatkan
10. Bungkusan ikon bulatan / pusingan bina dalam
11. Banyak pilihan untuk membuat pelancar yang anda suka, seperti:
- Saiz grid, pilihan saiz ikon
- Tunjukkan / sembunyikan bar carian, dok, bar status
- Keupayaan untuk mengedit ikon dan nama ikon secara individu
- Tetap / terapung kertas dinding
Aplikasi ini menggunakan kebenaran Pentadbir Peranti
Kekunci-kekunci digunakan untuk menanggalkan peranti apabila ketik dua kali pada skrin utama.
- Android ialah tanda dagangan berdaftar Google, Inc.
- Oreo adalah cap dagang berdaftar Nabisco, Inc.
O Launcher with many useful features.
With O Launcher users can have the latest Android™ Oreo(Android™ 8.1) launcher features.
O Launcher features:
1. Launcher features:
- Swipe up to access all apps
- Vertical drawer with recent apps.
- A-Z fast scroll bar.
- Android™ Oreo style animation; round icon support like Pixel style.
2. Support many themes, icon packs, and wallpapers
3. Hide apps and lock apps
4. Gestures support
5. Double tap to lock the phone
6. Quick action popup menu when long press icon in launcher desktop
7. Support lock desktop
8. Search apps or web right away from the launcher
9. Various search style: pixel launcher style, native style, enhanced style
10. Build-in circle/round icon pack
11. Many options to make launcher as you like, such as:
- Grid size, icon size selection
- Show/hide search bar, dock, status bar
- Ability to edit icon and icon name individually
- Fixed/float wallpaper
This app uses the Device Administrator permission
force-lock is used to screen off the device when double tap on the home screen.
- Android is a registered trademark of Google, Inc.
- Oreo is a registered trademark of Nabisco, Inc.